Aube Boulangerie

4715 rue Sainte-Catherine East

We are hosting Christina Hanks and Jacob Fraijo for a soirée at the bakery filled with wine, desserts and dishes crafted from whole grains, local ingredients and the savoir-faire of these two chefs from California.

Some items will be available all weekend of March 1st and 2nd at our counter.

Pastille - Prog.GourmandeBonnes Tables Air France
Christina Hanks
Christina Hanks
Stéphanie Gagnon-Laberge
Stéphanie Gagnon-Laberge
Jacob Fraijo
Jacob Fraijo


7-course menu 65$/50$ wine pairing

Venue details

Aube Boulangerie 4715 rue Sainte-Catherine East


Reduced mobility access

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